Friday, October 21, 2011

Chicken Pasta Salad

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Serving Size: 6-8
1/2 red Onion 
1 1/2 cup Cherry Tomatoes
1 English Cucumber 
1 bottle Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing (Newman's Own)
1 pound Pasta (farfalle)
1/2 pkg Vermont Sharp Cheddar Cheese 
1 lb boneless Chicken Breast (grilled)
Cook pasta according to box, strain and leave in strainer placing on top of pot used to boil water. Run cold water over pasta until covered completely and let sit until chilled. 
Grill chicken breast until done, let cool. Dice/slice chicken into small strips.
Dice Onion, cut tomatoes into halves, and slice cucumber into quarters. In a large mixing bowl add veggies. Cut cheese into cubes and add to bowl. Once pasta and chicken is cooled add to veggies and cheese.  Pour 1/2 bottle balsamic dressing into bowl and mix. Add more dressing or less, your preference. Also, can add other veggies if you like. 
Submitted By: Olivia, EMT
Rhode Island, USA
Contest: Nationwide EMT