Sunday, October 24, 2010

Donna’s Fish and Shrimp Casserole

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
3 lbs. fresh Cod fish
1/2 lb. cooked Shrimp, diced.
1/2 cup Milk 
1 can condensed Cream of Shrimp soup
6 tablespoons Butter
1 teaspoon red hot chopped Pepper (found in Ethnic food aisle)
1 teaspoon Garlic, minced
3 tablespoons fresh Parsley, chopped
2 rolls Ritz crackers, crushed fine
1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
Optional: 1-2 packets Goya Sazon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
In a 13x9 inch baking dish pour soup and milk, mix well. Place fish on top of mixture and press down. Spread diced shrimp over fish. 
In a sauce pan, melt butter, hot chopped pepper, garlic, parsley, and Sazon if using. 
Combine finely crushed crackers and parmesan cheese in a mixing bowl. Add mixture from saucepan and note consistency. If it seems too dry add small amount of water and mix. 
Spread mixture to cover fish and shrimp in baking dish. Bake for 45 minutes, uncovered. 
Submitted By: Donna Richard, EMT-Paramedic

Massachusetts, USA


Nichole said...

Oh, Yum! Made this recipe a couple of nights ago, what deliciousness. Two or three noteworthy things: When it first came out of the oven it seemed watery...that threw me off. It still tasted good, though. The NEXT DAY it was out of control good, I mean like holler out your window yummy! I'm learning lots of dishes are just better the next day...what's up with that? It's a rich dish, and a bit pricey cause of the seafood but Oh So Very worth it! The author said she gets boatloads of requests for this recipe and I can definitely see why. Try it! I bet you'll add it to your rotation. I sure did :)

Janis said...

Oooooooh. I will try this with Scrod or Haddock. Maybe even throw in some chopped sea scallops in the mix.