Monday, November 21, 2011

Cajun Fried Turkey

Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Serving Size: 8-12
10-14 lb. fully thawed Turkey, giblets removed.
3-5 gallons  Peanut Oil (will depend on size of pot/turkey) 
CAUTION: You must use ONLY peanut oil or lard; anything else such as Vegetable or Canola Oil will catch on fire.
Marinade: (to be injected with meat syringe)
1 stick of Butter, melted
2 ounces Tabasco Hot Sauce 
2 ounces Pickapeppa Sauce
4 ounces Worcestershire Sauce
2 ounces Lime Juice
2 tablespoons Garlic Powder, or 1 ounce Cajun Power Garlic Juice
Optional Commercial Marinade: “Cajun Injector” Creole Butter
Place turkey in 20-36 quart stock pot or cast iron round belly pot. Pour water in until turkey is just barley covered.
Take turkey out, then mark water level (this is how muck oil you will need.)
Rinse turkey and paper-towel dry. Inject Marinade into breasts, thighs, drumsticks, etc. TIP: Best way is with each stick (from Marinade Injector) go in  3 different directions without fully removing needle. Best if done night before or at least a couple of hours prior to cooking.
Cooking: CAUTION: (outdoors away from buildings, wooden decks or overhangs.) Overflow will catch wood on fire. On high fire bring up oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Slowly lower turkey into oil.  Caution: Oil WILL splatter!
Cook 3 ½ min. per lb. keeping oil at 325-350 degrees Fahrenheit. You will need a long probe cooking thermometer.
Chef’s Note: Again I stress CAUTION; overflow/splatter of hot oil will burn skin and set wood/buildings on fire. Safest way to lower/raise turkey is using a mounting rack with hooks using heavy oven gloves. 
Submitted By: Tony Guidry, EMT-Paramedic

Lousiana, USA

Contest: EMT Nationwide


Anonymous said...

WOW! Never heard of that before. Looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

What kind of cookware is in that picture? It looks like a tub with a funnel top,

JT said...

Only recipe I've ever seen that requires a fire extinguisher nearby.

Sean said...

is that a coon ass microwave?

Joseph said...

Web search for "perfect cooked turkey" led me to this site; and that's close enough to perfect for me, JoJo

Mark said...

What an honor for this bird to end up in Chef Tonys pot.

Anonymous said...

Going to try this for Christmas

Taya said...

It not only looks and taste great, the smell while its frying in the peanut oil is unbeleivebale.

Anonymous said...

Didn't get any for Thanksgiving. I so hope I can get some for Christmas.

Nichole said...

LOL Sean! I believe it is a Cajun Convection Oven? :)

Jada said...

We tried to do one last week in a regular steamer potand it came out pretty good. Found the whole setup in the picture at King Kooker. Ordered 2 of them for the F.D. and 2 of us personally each picked one up. Will be doing 12 turkeys for Christmas at the Veteran's Retirement Home. Only thing is the Peanut oil is expensive, can we re-use it multiple times?