Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bernice's Cocoa-Phylactic Cake

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30-40 minutes
3 cups Flour
2 cups Sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa
1tsp Salt
2/3 cup Oil
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
2 teaspoon Baking Soda
2 tablespoons Vinegar
2 cups Water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
No sifting for this, just put all ingredients in a bowl and beat thoroughly. 
Cook in 13x9 pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray, and bake for approx 30 minutes. Please Do Not overcook this cake, it will not be happy! 
Check after 30 min and test with knife. If it needs longer than go from there. This cake can be cooked in any size pan but to have it super moist adjust time accordingly! I use the Domino's powdered sugar butter cream frosting on top.
Submitted By: Bernice Fortier, EMT-Paramedic

Massachusetts, USA

1 comment:

Janis said...

Ooooooooh...Ahhhhhhhhh.YUMMY!!! I'm making this for Christmas!