Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spicy Cream Corn

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
16 ounce package of Frozen Corn
1 pint of Light Cream
1 Jalapeno Pepper
2-3 Garlic cloves
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
1 small package of LeGruyere Cheese (It's a swiss cheese)
Salt and Pepper
Dice Jalapeno pepper and garlic gloves.  Add them with olive oil to skillet.  Cook on Medium for a few minutes stirring occasionally.  When they start to brown, add the package of corn.
Let corn heat up and become slightly soft, but al dente at the same time.  Approximately 10 min or so depending on pan size.
Next add the cream.  Just enough to barely cover top of corn.  Stir and let thicken, approximately 5-10 min.
Next grate in cheese.  You want enough to make it thick and bubbly, creamy and cheesy.  Stir until it thickens.
Top off with a dash of salt and pepper.
WARNING:  This will be spicy, but the cheese off sets it.  It is a very nice texture and flavorful.  If you're afraid of it being too spicy, use half a pepper.  I use a whole one.
Excellent side for the holidays instead of boring ole can corn.
Submitted By: Janis Jope, EMT-Paramedic

Massachusetts, USA


Nichole said...

Can't wait to make this! I made a cream corn last Xmas, a recipe from FN, and this one looks way easier and just as delish. I'll probably add crumbly real bacon to mine, and use the bacon grease to sautee the garlic and pepper. What did Jim Gaffigan say about bacon? It's the fairy dust of the food world or something? lol!

Nichole said...

Janis is killing me! This girl can COOK! I made this the other day, love love love it it as is, and I also love it as a template for a recipe I can change around a bit. Add bacon, experiment with different cheeses, maybe add creme fraiche for another layer of flavor. It's a solid, rockin, EASY recipe that produces big flavors. I'll be serving this up often!