Monday, January 10, 2011

Intoxicating Rum Balls

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
2 cups finely chopped Pecans or Walnuts
4 cups Icing Sugar
1/4 cup Cocoa Powder
8 squares Bittersweet Chocolate, chopped (8 oz)
8 oz Semi Sweet Chocolate, chopped (8 oz)
1/4 cup Whipping Cream
1/3 cup Coffee Liqueur
3/4 cup Dark Rum
1.  Toast the pecans/walnuts for 3-5 minutes in a dry pan over medium/high heat.  Allow to cool.
2.  Stir together the nuts, icing sugar and cocoa until evenly mixed.
3.  In a medium saucepan over medium/low heat stirring often, mix the whipping cream, chopped chocolate, liqueur and rum - until melted and smooth.
4.  Add chocolate mixture to the nut/sugar mixture until evenly mixed.
5.  You can either shape mix into small balls and place on a parchment paper lined tray, or place in a pan (lined with parchment paper) and cut into squares when cooled.
Submitted By: Sarah Zourdoumis, EMT

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